Internet Development Guidelines


The balance of: Content - Design - Navigation

with the trade-off of: Money - Speed - Quality 

Combined to demonstrate Knowledge & Expertise


  1. Determine the emphasis that is to be placed on each of your objectives:
  2. All information and page navigation is to be driven by a customer (site visitor) orientation. A customer segmentation will used to verify that each specific group has access to their information in a manner tailored to their needs and level of knowledge.
  3. The 80-20 rule is to apply. 80% of all users should be able to see all of the graphic effects. HTML extensions should be kept to a minimum. 80% of the audience will be considered to be new to the subject area.
  4. The home page and any sub-site home (index pages) should be a maximum of two pages when printed to 8.5x11 paper. Concentrate the key content on the first screen viewed. Lower linked page length should be sufficiently long to reduce the number of individual page requests. However, these lower pages should be five pages or less when printed.
  5. All images should be tagged to allow early identification of the image prior to image resolution. Image caching should be encouraged through the use of high-level image folders for images common to multiple pages. Imbedded graphics should transmit after any text. This will allow early jumping to other pages without having to wait for the full graphics to download.
  6. Content is more important than graphics. Do not attempt to win design awards. Instead, concentrate on effective communication. Graphics should be employed as an aid in directing attention to the information that is available and how to access it.
  7. Know why graphics are used: to get attention or impart information.  Advertising usually uses graphics as an attention getting device.   However, on the Internet you already have their attention, so use graphics to enhance communication.
  8. Background images should aid text contrast for readability, not detract from the visitor's ability to read the document.  Text contrast when printing the document should also be considered.
  9. All information presented will be done so with a view toward security. Any information of a confidential nature should not be put on the Internet. Restricted information should be presented with some type of password access. However, if security to restricted information is breached there may be some discomfort, but the world will not end.
  10. Any page with the potential of being accessed from an external web site should have a "home page" button. Probably all.
  11. A master sitemap should be available to quickly search all pages for information on a selected search word.
  12. The bottom of each page should have the following buttons: home page, Search, and FAQ. Each page will also have the following tag lines: copyright, legal notice, and date updated.
  13. When including video, audio, or download files include a description of file size, so the user can decide whether or not to download the file.
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Transformative Networking – connecting change leaders to enable self-organized grassroots change.

Next Steps – While still conceptual, transformative networking offers the possibility of leading change through the networking of those already interested or involved in similar initiatives, effectively tearing down existing silos of practice that exist across disciplines and fields of work.  The next step is to develop a proof of concept built on the theoretical underpinnings above, possibly using Google Wave as the collaboration platform.  Included will be identifying the minimal structure and governance required to enable self-organization within the network while not constraining what might emerge.  Join this initiative and help create the future of organizing - networking communities of interest.    

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Last modified: July 19, 2009