- Customer Profile
- Product mix purchased
- Geographic location & travel pattern prior to purchase
- Demographic profile
- Psychographic profile
- Why do they buy from us? What are the critical factors?
- How do we communicate with the customer? How effective is the communication?
- What do they like about our business relationship? Dislike?
- What do they like about our competition? Are any opportunities suggested?
- What marketing programs aid and strengthen the customer relationship?
- Do our employees understand "customer value" and customer service?
- Are there internal programs to identify customer relationship problems?
- "In the 17 years that The Roper Organization has been tracking the topic of brand
choice, price and quality have almost always ranked second and third to past experience.
In 1985, quality temporarily moved into second place. Price regained second place in 1986
and its lead over quality has widened considerably since then. Recommendations from other
people have ranked fourth in all the Roper surveys. Other considerations are how
well-known the product is, how it ranks in Consumer Reports, and how it affects the
environment." []
- Often, needs change when lives change. These changes can cause brand switches that seem
to have nothing to do with the life transition. The hypothesis is that change causes
people to open their mind to other possibilities and question past decisions.

Transformative Networking – connecting change
leaders to enable self-organized grassroots change.
Next Steps – While still conceptual, transformative
networking offers the possibility of leading change through the networking of
those already interested or involved in similar initiatives, effectively tearing
down existing silos of practice that exist across disciplines and fields of
work. The next step is to develop a proof of concept built on the theoretical
underpinnings above, possibly using Google Wave as the collaboration platform.
Included will be identifying the minimal structure and governance required to
enable self-organization within the network while not constraining what might
emerge. Join this initiative and help create the future of organizing -
networking communities of interest.

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enTarga Phrases: strategic
planning process | integrated
marketing communication | hr
planning | organizational
change | stages
of learning | customer
analysis | steps
in planning | planning
Random Phrases: oklahoma
county district court
Last modified:
July 19, 2009