for Creating and Managing Web Site Pages

Large, commercial sites spend millions developing and managing their web sites.
However, troop web sites are at the opposite end of the spectrum. This list of
resources is designed to give the Boy Scout troop access to FREE or very low cost programs
for creating web pages and managing the web site.
- Microsoft FrontPage Express (Free)
This web page editor is included with Internet Explorer 4.0 (also free).
It is very easy to use and has much of the functionality of the full FrontPage Editor.
- Microsoft Photo Editor (Free)
This program can be used to resize and crop images and is included free with Microsoft
Office. It also allows you to take a bit map (.bmp) from a scanner and convert it
to a JPEG (.jpg) image.
- WS_FTP Limited Edition
File Transfer Program (FTP) that is free for non-business use. Also, it's easy to
- Web Space
HotBot Homepages (Free) [supported by advertising on your site]
Up to 5 MB free space plus access to image libraries and development utilities.
Server101 (Free)
[supported by advertising on your site] Up to 11 MB.
Tripod (Free)
[supported by advertising on your site] Up to 11 MB.
- Rank This - Find out where you rank in a number
of search engines
Position Agent - another source to
check your search engine ranking

There is no copyright restriction for the use of this material
by anyone associated with the Scouting movement worldwide. Good Scouting
to all.
Last modified:
June 06, 2009