
Helping to Build the Business of the Future



to make; cause to be made to resemble.


A type of shield carried on the forearm for protection, related to target (as in "hit here")..

In the past, targa shields were carried onto the field of battle for protection from swords and war axes.  During battle, these shields were used to attract and deflect forceful blows by opponents.  In this manner they were not only defensive, but also had an offensive quality in that they encouraged an opponent's strike so the opponent would be off balance as the blow was struck.  Today, "shields" are being redefined in science fiction to provide protection from phasers and photon torpedoes, weapons of high-tech energy.  In both cases the shield provides protection from dangers that may lurk unseen on the horizon and are carried for the possibility that their use may be needed.  And, like the Star Trek shields, there are also personal shields that are invisible on the surface and require scrutiny to discern.  These personal or organizational shields are for psychological defense and often come into play in organizational change whether openly confrontational or hidden in passive-aggressive behavior.  Yet, shields can become obsolete or maladapted with new circumstances.  For example, would anyone consider going into battle with a targa shield when the enemy is armed with guns?  Shields must change to keep up with environmental change, whether we are discussing change in technology or the broader changes in society.  

What shields are in place to protect you and your organization?  Are they suitable for current conditions or are they working against the vision and mission?  The threats are many: from competitors, changing consumer preferences, governmental rules and regulations, and even "Acts of God" that can disrupt business as you know it.  Changes in the business environment present numerous threats that require both adaptive and generative learning processes.  Business planning is a shield that can be configured to meet a number of threats of differing levels of danger.  As with a targa shield, a Business Plan only provides its protection if you have it in a "ready" state and it is suitable for not only the current environment, but the future that is emerging.  But even having a shield is not enough to succeed if you don't use it.  And that means taking the controlled risks that are necessary for an organization to grow and make the necessary changes to survive in today's environment.

enTarga Consulting recognizes that not every organization can have the in-house expertise that multi-national corporations have.  But the size of the organization does not change its needs for even the largest organizations sometimes need outside help when addressing changes to their core culture.   At enTarga we direct our efforts to organizations of all sizes, helping as an organizational change educator.  In this role, we work to support the development of internal expertise to develop a culture that is conducive to organizational learning and change processes.


Mission Statement for enTarga Consulting

Helping organizations establish change processes that align with their unique culture and business needs - enabling the business of the future.  Harnessing the power of emergent strategic visioning, facilitated with an understanding of organizational complexity, as a mechanism of enabling change within a collaborative organization.  Turning theory into practice; working today to build the organization of the future.  This is our mission.
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Transformative Networking – connecting change leaders to enable self-organized grassroots change.

Next Steps – While still conceptual, transformative networking offers the possibility of leading change through the networking of those already interested or involved in similar initiatives, effectively tearing down existing silos of practice that exist across disciplines and fields of work.  The next step is to develop a proof of concept built on the theoretical underpinnings above, possibly using Google Wave as the collaboration platform.  Included will be identifying the minimal structure and governance required to enable self-organization within the network while not constraining what might emerge.  Join this initiative and help create the future of organizing - networking communities of interest.

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Last modified: July 19, 2009